LMS - Learning Management System

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v8.0.0 | Laravel 11

The Best Learning Management System – INFIX LMS lies in its dedication to being the best learning management system. This platform serves as the anchor in bridging the gap between instructors and students and encourages a harmonious exchange of knowledge. Here’s how it exceeds the competition:

Instructors using INFIX LMS have the incredible freedom to curate an extensive array of educational content. This platform supports everything from unlimited video courses to live classes, text-based courses, engaging projects, quizzes, and various files. The diversity of content types ensures that instructors can cater to a wide range of students and meet their unique learning needs.

But INFIX LMS is not just about empowering the instructors; it’s also about enhancing the students’ learning journey. When granted access to this educational gold mine, students can harness the diverse material to sharpen their skills and broaden their knowledge base. This top-tier learning management system ensures that learning is not limited by boundaries but is an ongoing, enriching experience.

If you’re looking to unlock the full potential of your online education business, INFIX LMS is your ultimate gateway to success. Say goodbye to mediator and hello to unbridled growth and profitability.


Course | Quiz | Live class(Zoom)

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URL: https://infixlms.ischooll.com


  • Multi & Public Instructor
  • Gamification
  • Secret Login
  • One-click enroll for the free course
  • Google Analytic add option
  • PWA Ready
  • Drip content
  • Student login Device Control
  • referral system on purchase both will get discount
  • Certificate designer
  • Dynamic Header menu
  • Chapters & Lesson Position Drag & Drop
  • QA Section
  • Utility Feature
  • Student Profile
  • Admin & Instructor watch own course
  • Instructor Profile
  • Item Cart Stored In Database (No Risk To Lost Cart of Buyer)
  • Live preview Video
  • Login/Registration system
  • Live statistics
  • Admin can reject any enrollment with defined reason
  • Admin assign permission student and instrator
  • Manage all Courses (publish, unpublish, and active-inactive)
  • Support YouTube, Vimeo & MP-4 (Self host), vdocipher
  • Video Resume Play
  • Become an Instructor option
  • Course Download – PDF, Zip
  • Course Search
  • Course Rating
  • Course Query Q&A
  • Course Review System
  • Quiz for Courses
  • Unique Instructor user name
  • Bank Payout for Instructor from Admin
  • Instant Item Search
  • Description of each item
  • Change password / Edit profile
  • Currencies Converter
  • Transaction History
  • Statement
  • Earnings
  • Item Approval system
  • Coupon Option for the Application
  • Refund Status for Super Admin
  • Email Template
  • Course Purchase History
  • Invoice PDF Download
  • Features Item
  • Language translation
  • Language Translator
  • Notification
  • Course Progress
  • Course Filters
  • Flat Commission system
  • Instructor wise commission system
  • Instructor-wise and course-wise commission system
  • Instructor Payout
  • Instructor Dashboard
  • Student Dashboard
  • Zoom Integration for Meetings for Live Class
  • Zoom multiple Instructor API options
  • SEO Ready plain URL
  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • W3C Valid Markup
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Documentation Include
  • Clean Code and Clean Design
  • Testimonial
  • FrontEnd CMS
  • Multi Language Backend only
  • About Detail Page
  • Contact Us Page
  • Blog’s
  • Right click disable for video
  • Geo Location for register student
  • IP Block option on Site
  • Dynamic Preloader
  • RTL
  • Auto Update

New Features

  • Automatic logout after x duration time inactive
  • Error Log in General setting
  • Admin enroll a student directly to a course
  • Admin to create courses & assign it to instructors
  • Live Class, Public/Private option needs to be added when creating
  • Virtual class status added
  • Unlimited Level of category
  • Sudent dashboard course filter and search
  • User Management (Role based)
  • Demo Data import
  • Google Drive as a lesson storage
  • Course Refund system added
  • Offline payments, deduct from paid amount
  • Multi Instructor in a single course
  • class reminder
  • 6 New Home pages
  • Math Equations
  • Google Meet module compatible
  • Google Calendar module compatible
  • Gift module compatible
  • Waitlist module compatible
  • H5P module compatible
  • Registration Bonus module compatible
  • Upcoming Courses module compatible
  • Authorize.net payment gateway module compatible
  • Braintree payment gateway module compatible
  • Mollie payment gateway module compatible
  • Flutterwave payment gateway module compatible
  • JazzCash payment gateway module compatible
  • CCAvenue payment gateway module compatible
  • Coinbase payment gateway module compatible
  • Manual event reminder in class
  • Post notification manually from the panel
  • Comment in one place
  • Laravel v8 to v10 upgrade

Instructor Features

  • Adding Products
  • Generating Coupon code
  • Manage Products
  • View course comment and reply to student
  • Get notification for new enroll and course comment & reply
  • Upload course chapter and lesson and upload file for assignment
  • Set default language and currency only for him
  • Sales History
  • Wallet Statement
  • Sales Verify over API
  • Review History
  • Product History
  • Check Earnings of Month
  • Check Earnings of Year
  • Check Earnings of All Time
  • Instructors Profile Page
  • Instructor payment request
  • Balance show in Instructor panel
  • Bank Payout

Student Features

  • Registration Email verification ON/OFF Option
  • Enroll The course after purchase
  • Package Purchase
  • Bookmark any course or video
  • Student can comment any course
  • Set default language and currency only for self
  • Get mail notification
  • Course Certificate & Download Option

Payment Gateway Included

  • Offline Payment
  • Bank Payment
  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • PayStack (Africa)
  • PayTM (India)
  • RazorPay (India)
  • Instramojo (India)
  • Midtrans (Indonesia)
  • Payeer (Russia)
  • MercadoPago (Paid)

Email Template Editor

  • Email Verification for Student registration
  • OffLine Payment
  • Bank Payment
  • Course Enroll Payment
  • Course Publish Successfully
  • Course Chapter Added
  • Course Lesson Added
  • Course Quiz Added
  • Course ExerciseFile Added
  • Course Unpublished
  • New Enroll Notification
  • Instructor Payout Month end
  • Instructor Payout Successfully
  • Instructor Payout Decline
  • New comment on course
  • New Reply on Comment
  • New Review on course
  • Password update
  • Course Enroll Rejected By Admin
  • Course Enroll Enabled By Admin

Menu Manager

  • Create new pages
  • Use Static Pages
  • Use Custome link
  • Nested Flyout menu
  • Open New Tab
  • Flyout menu Left or Right

Dynamic Certificate Generator

  • Create new Certificate
  • Upload any size Design
  • Customise your font, color, size, and position
  • Preview
  • Download
  • Download after Complete any course

Security Features

  • JWT Authentication
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • CSRF Protection
  • Secure Encrypt Password Hashing

InfixLMS is served with a lot of beneficial features that you can view on this page and live demo. A user can also view key features in the following list:

Fully responsive: The InfixLMS system hardly tries to improve its best services. High-quality, responsive design makes the content known on different appliances.

Multiple content support: InfixLMS provides numerous content types such as video courses, live classes, text-based courses, SCORM, and reports. By defining multiple content types for a list or library, you can make it easy to build libraries or lists that store different types of documents together in one place.

Single and multiple instructors: A user can use InfixLMS as a marketplace or utilize it as a single instructor service. Instructors have a responsibility to establish and maintain a civil, productive, inclusive, and stimulating learning environment.

Online Class(Default Zoom): In addition to educational materials, tutors and institutions will be able to sell online classes, and students will be able to book online courses, in-person, and group meetings using the Zoom app.

Badges Reward Points System-Gamification: On your website, establish a professional-client loyalty club. Your users will accrue points for a variety of actions including purchases, account charges, publishing courses, passing quizzes, earning certificates, leaving comments, writing course reviews, signing up for the newsletter, referring users (through affiliate programs), earning badges, finishing courses, scheduling meetings, and interacting with your platform. Users will be able to use their points to pay for courses or exchange them for account balances.

Youtube & Vimeo support: A user can use Vimeo & Youtube video links as of course parts so they could be used as free and safe video storage.

Social login: Users can log in to the system using social accounts (Google & Facebook), and a Social login is the form of single sign-on using existing information from a social networking service.

Drag and Drop Pagebuilder: All of the contents, texts, images, CSS, and JS codes will be customizable from the choice of default theme in InfixLMS.

Change colors & fonts from the admin panel: InfixLMS Combine the platform color with the user label in a minute! Change all of the colors and fonts from the admin panel dashboard to find the appearance section.

Accounting system:InfixLMS has a built-in accounting system that delivers transaction tracking, sales analysis, advanced reports, refunds, manual accounting, payouts, invoices, offline payments, etc.

Shared hosting support: No need to pay for costly VPS or desiccated servers! InfixLMS could be installed in a minimum shared hosting plan.

Localization: InfixLMS is multi-language and translatable. All of the official currencies are included. RTL mode is supported but at the time single language supports only the main script, separate paid script for multiple languages same time .

Variable commission rates: InfixLMS is trying to Increase user loyalty by using variable commission rates. Depict extra commission rates for the most active instructors and inspire them.

Staff & permissions: InfixLMS is provided to easily create a staff section for different departments with specific access levels.

Quiz and certification: Create unlimited quizzes and certificates and assign them to the courses. A user can define video and image quizzes in addition to the text quizzes. InfixLMS has an advanced certification system that allows users to create quiz-depended certificates and course fulfillment certificates.

Marketing options: InfixLMS has several marketing features such as advanced discount codes, content promotions, featured classes, Newsletters, Acelle, Get Response, Mailchimp, course discounts, advertising banners & modals, email newsletters, etc. to accomplish marketing campaigns.

Notifications: Automatic notifications for InfixLMS will be sent after each related process. A user can also send promotional & customized notifications to users. Browser notification, Email Notification, Push Notification.

Professional admin panel: Everything is under control in the admin panel if the user wants. There are many available features as reports and lists that are based on system functionalities.

Student & Admin instructor panels: InfixLMS includes separate panels for instructors, users, and organizations with different data types.

Offline payments: Users will be able to charge their accounts using an offline payment system and the money will be added to their account after admin permission.

Virtual Class: There are multiple options for each class such as class, private classes, class start date, class reports, FAQ, filters, rating, invited instructors, etc. that help you to create proficient educational material for different academic needs.

Course Sections: Manage course materials in different units and chapters. Sections are groups of students that have been organized for administrative purposes. When users are enrolled in a course, they are actually enrolled in one of the sections of that course.

Drip Content: Limit the student’s access to course chapters and files using various limiting factors such as time and sequence content. You can choose whether students must access course sections X days after purchasing the course or must pass the prior part.

Course Private or Public Mode: Do you want to use an LMS for internal purposes? You can restrict which people have access to courses for enrolment by setting the private mode.

Manual Enrollment: Manually add students to courses enroll, and items from the admin interface. With manual enrollment, the instructor selects the students to be enrolled in the course and manually enrolls each one, either individually or collectively. These instructions explain how to manually enroll students in a course.

Course Statistics: View course data and statistical information in a format that is graphically displayed.

Question Bank: Define different quiz questions and present a set amount of questions to users, either randomly or ordered. By providing users with random questions, you may create more accurate quizzes.

Device Limit: Avoid the amount of logged-in sessions per user and discourage sharing accounts across users.

Auto Content Approval: User-created information (courses, contents, etc.) will be instantly published without admin authorization.

Private Courses: Create private courses that will not be shown on the product page, and the admin can manually add students to them via the admin panel.

Maintenance/Coming Soon: Enable this feature to notify users about the status of your platform’s maintenance or launch.

One-Click Update system: From the admin panel, update your website or application to the most recent version.

Payment gateways (10 Included): There are several gateways supported for different countries. Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, Paytm, Paystack, Mercadopago(Paid module), Midtrans, Braintree(Paid module), Mollie(Paid module), Authorize.net(Paid module), Instamojo, Sslcommerz(Paid module), Bkash(Paid module), Coinbase(Paid module), JazzCash(Paid module). Offline payments are also available as a paid plugin.

Bunny Storage (CDN/Streaming) (Module): Are you concerned about unauthorized access, downloading, and distribution of your videos and courses? Make use of this tool to protect your video material against unauthorized downloading.

Jitsi (Module): Directly conduct real-time training sessions using Jitsi and enjoy a low-latency live video experience.

Gift (Module): Allow your platform’s users to deliver courses or other resources to their friends as presents instantly or on a predetermined date. The receiver will get an email confirming receipt of the gift.

Upcoming Courses (Module): Encourage your platform users about future courses. Users can follow forthcoming courses and will be notified when the course is published. Obtain early adaptors for your course before it is published.

Installments (Module): Sell various products like courses utilizing installments (Partial Payment) and specify the price, payment phases, length, and interest rate for installments. Disable platform or course access for late payments. For each payment, the system will email a payment reminder.

Registration Bonus (Module): Provide a signup incentive to your website users and encourage people to register on your website. Unlock the bonus straightaway for users or require them to perform particular actions, such as introducing users or completing referral purchases, to gain access to the incentive.

Noticeboard (Module): A user can Send personalized notices to students and show notices on the noticeboard. Send different colored notifications to the student for course participants.

Multi-language (Module): Build website content in various languages. The content will be loaded according to the user’s language to the preferred facility.

Affiliate (Module): Add more expenditure to your platform using the affiliate marketing feature. Users will be able to sell your platform courses and earn by promoting affiliate links.

SCORM (Module): Your platform should provide an interactive learning environment. iSpring, Adobe Captive, or any other program-created training materials can be published.

In-App Live Class System (Module): With amazing features like live chat, share screen, etc., you can immediately hold live lessons on your platform. No other third-party app will be used to reroute your users elsewhere. Imagine your website hosting a live class screen… Looks Great! Agora API is used for this functionality.

SAAS (Module): Limit elements such as courses, meeting times, live class capacity, organization teachers, and students when defining different service packages for instructors and organizations. Users who want access to more features should upgrade their accounts.

Appointment (Module): Allows customers to search for the best tutors based on a variety of criteria, including tutoring level, subject, meeting type (online or in-person), time and day of the meeting, location on a map, age, and gender. This feature has a lovely wizard that collects data from the student and shows the most relevant matches.

Forum (Module): Enhance your LMS platform with a professional forum and community function. Users will be able to develop new topics in various categories and chat with one another on various themes.

Google Calendar (Module): InfixLMS is combined with Google Calendar so users will be able to add all of the events such as live class sessions, meetings, etc. to the Google calendar and events will be reminded automatically so nothing will be missed.

Organizational education (Module): InfixLMS endows alliances and institutes so you can define organizations and institutes with interconnected students and instructors. Organizations can define different expenditures for their own students.

Multi-currency (Module): Sell your courses in several currencies and convert course pricing based on the exchange rate you choose. Make payment gateways for each currency available. Make your business internationally.

Amazon S3 (Module): Use different S3 storage services like Amazon S3 and Wasabi as the storage and decrease your hosting costs.

Subscription (Module): In addition to regular purchases using the cart, students will be able to subscribe to courses by purchasing different subscription plans. A User also defines unlimited subscription plans to allow users to access all of the platform content for a specific time.

Groups (Module): InfixLMS has an Assign system to users to different user groups and rewards them with extra discounts and commission rates.

Cashback (Module): Encourage your platform users to make purchases and recharge their wallets with a set percentage or fixed amount after completing transactions. Define various cashback conditions, and the money will be recharged to the user’s account when the payment is completed.

Course Waitlist (Module): Turn on the waitlist option for your course and you’ll never lose out on potential students. When the course’s capacity is achieved, or the course is in session, users can join your course waitlist. Inform your waitlist subscribers about upcoming events.

Assignment / Homework (Module): Define multiple assignments for each course with varied choices such as grade, deadline, and so on to improve the educational process.

Support Ticket System (Module): Students will be able to get in touch with instructors within a clear and practical course by using a form of support system. Users can submit support tickets for the admin as well.

Bundle Subscription (Module): The most fascinating module bundle subscription is provided by InfixLMS, whose features are the phenomenon hot topic right now. This module can create bundles of the existing courses and sell them at a new price in a subscription model. The admin can also set the subscription period of each Course Bundle. Students can subscribe to a bundle Course and access it to renew the expired bundles by subscribing again for Instructor.

Chat (Module): This InfixLMS Chat module implements real-time messaging between users for an application. Chat Module ready for InfixLMS, The Admin can chat with any student & instructor, and the Instructor can chat with the only student who enrolls in the course. Chat module option available for Pusher and jQuery, invitation Requirement, Admin Can Chat Without Invitation, Open Chat System, and creating a group chat.

Tax (Module): The tax for the InfixLMS extension plugin allows you to easily pay the taxed price and the untaxed price. Tax Add-ons for InfixLMS allow the customer to select whether they want to view the Course’s price including tax or excluding tax. The option chosen is saved to the user’s device so when the User moves from page to page the prices are shown as per their selection.

WhatsApp Support (Module): WhatsApp started as an alternative to SMS. InfixLMS provided now supports sending and receiving a variety of media: text, photos, videos, documents, and location, as well as voice calls. Some of your most personal moments are shared with WhatsApp, which is why they built end-to-end encryption into this app.

TeachOffline (Module): This is the InfixLMS module taught offline where users can find access to all of the courses that belong to the instructor. Here admin can find the simple MS Excel data sheet with Country List Download to fill on the student name.

Course Offer (Module): InfixLMS Course Offering paid add-on means a unique offering of an approved price discount for an individual course which classroom or seminar course, or a monitored exam of a self-study course, which includes a set of specific percentages or prices to be held. A course represents the class that the institution provides to students, whereas course offerings are actual prices that can be specific student discount system.

Survey Questions (Module): InfixLMS Developing online surveys is fairly simple, especially if you have a capable LMS. The trick is to ask the right questions in your survey, to get honest and unbiased feedback.

Skill & Pathway (Module): The skills and pathways functionality is primarily to allow clients to manage their skill sets and the personal development & training requirements of their staff. A client can define a Skill in Digital Marketing; and that skill will have the following attributes: Name, Description, and Badge, This Skill will be a requirement for completing a course, quiz, or Pathway.

User Type (Module): InfixLMS has come here to easily switch account modules to give a particular job or piece of work to assign. LMS that clearly define roles and responsibilities can simplify their role processes. It can assign its people to do better and be more focused on specifications. It also helps to identify operational efficiency by reducing confusion and redundancies.

XAPI (Module): Here is the InfixLMS Add-on xAPI is a simple, lightweight way to store and retrieve records about learners and share these data across platforms. API stands for application programming interface, a common software system used to interact and share data. xAPI activity statements can be generated by activity providers and sent to the LRS, or they can be sent from the LRS to other systems. Many current applications offer APIs to make their data available in other systems, and vice versa.

FrontendMultiLang (Module): A Frontend Multi-language in InfixLMS is a learning platform that supports many languages and allows users to choose the language in which they are interested in studying. This comprises not just the instructional materials, but also a localized user interface that supports several languages, data formats, measures, and currencies.

AdvanceQuiz (Module): The Quiz activity module allows instructors/group leaders to design and set quizzes consisting of a large variety of Question types, among them multiple-choice, true-false, and short-answer questions. These questions are kept in the site Question bank and can be re-used within sites. Quizzes can allow multiple attempts, each attempt is automatically marked, and the teacher can choose whether to give feedback and/or show the correct Answers.

AI Content (Module): InfixLMS provides Open AI with better Content requires fewer resources, goes to a new level of quality, and becomes a more personalized LMS system. Open AI plays a huge role in Infix e-learning. Although artificial intelligence is becoming more aware of what users think and do, it can analyze what kind of content users prefer and consume.

H5P (Module): Here are presenting the most vital e-learning InfixLMS Module H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. H5P allows users to create, share, and reuse interactive content. HTML5 is a markup language that, among other things, allows interactive content to be created without the need for plugins. It’s mobile-friendly and relatively simple to use.

Google Meet (Module): Here is the InfixLMS module Google Meet, discover easy-to-use, reliable, and secure video conferencing with Google Meet. Connect your school community with videos for classes, parent-teacher conferences, professional development, and more. In Google Workspace for Education, Meet integrates seamlessly with other products like Classroom, Slides, Docs, and Gmail.

TwoFA (Module): Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security for a user’s better experience in InfixLMS and prevents access to your users’ session even if someone knows their password. A combination of two different factors is used to achieve a greater level of security, something they know, a password key digits.

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InfixLMS Online Documentation

Important notice:

  • We are pleased to provide our support services within a maximum time frame of 2 days.
  • Refunds are not offered in situations where the item has been downloaded or due to accidentally purchased
  • Installation and customized script support are not provided free of charge.
  • It is advisable to thoroughly read all product information before making your purchase.
  • After purchase, you may utilize the product on a single domain and server, with a maximum limit of one.
  • We provide a demo for you to thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the product. However, please be aware that refund requests cannot be accepted after the purchase has been made.
  • Webpack resources are not included in the regular license. (if available)

03 January 2025 17:14:36
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