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Dokans is a multitenancy-based eCommerce platform similar to Shopify business modules customers can create e-commerce within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain and custom domain for e-commerce. Anyone can build any kind of e-commerce site using this script. Customers can sell physical products and digital products and change the UI theme easily. We integrated 4 e-commerce themes with RTL mode and added 8+ payment getaways. All payment Getaways support sandbox mode and live mode and fully securely. This script included 2 click site installer to install the script without any technical knowledge.
Admin Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Theme 1:
Seller Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Theme 2:
Seller Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Theme 3:
Seller Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Theme 4:
Seller Login:
Admin Access:
Email: | password: rootadmin
Payment Gateways:
Seller Features:
Admin Features:
How work DOKANS
Note: Please don’t use CodeCanyon Comments for support requests as that’s not what they’re designed for. Create item support request from the item support section. This will make our life easier. All of our items come with an Envato license. we code each line by maintaining security, if you use an unauthorized version and face any issues/errors or face any security issues then we are not responsible for that. before purchase, pls check our demo, you will found the same as our demo has. Thank you in advance!
1.Do you offer free installation service? Sorry we don’t give free installation service. you provide customization support ?
Sorry we don’t provide
3.How can I add more templates?
We used laravel for the theme any laravel developer can create the theme easily. we added a boilerplate for the startup.
4.Do you integrate local payment getaway?
Yes we integrate local payment getaways. multi language working with content based?
its working with static text and menu contents.
5.can i install the script multiple time for multiple site?
According to envato licanse policy you can use one site for main script you can’t install multiple site useing one license key but your SAAS customer can create site .
6. I want to upgrade my regular license to extended license can I get refund for regular license?
Yes, if you have purchased the regular license and you have to upgrade the license within 1/2 days.
Update logs
v3.9.2 Minor Fix Update
v3.9.1 Security Update Dependency Update
v3.9 RTL Added For Main Site RTL Added For Admin Panel RTL Added For Seller Panel RTL Added For All Store Themes
v3.5 Sitemap added for store 4 dummy store added with store content Custom error page added Product Import modules improved Some security issue fix Domain Registration page object issue fix Seo Modules improved Cron Job Modules improved Subscription modules improved
Documentation update
Custom domain request redirect issue fix for who have installed v3.0 after 9-sep-2021
installer issue fix (v3)
v3.0 (core update) QR Code added. Automatic store approval. Custom Domain Request modules. Custom Domain DNS verification. Custom Domain request approval modules added for admin. Registration with a free trial. Trial alert notice in the seller dashboard. Subscription expires notice in the seller dashboard. After Expire subscription store automatically disable. Seller Support modules. Custom CSS modules for the sellers. Custom Js modules for sellers. Subscription modules changes. Cron job modules changed. E-mail template changed for subscription alert. Custom CSS js added for the main site. Dynamic theme color added for main site.
v2.6.1 Category issue fix
v2.6 minor issue fix (www) error fix for custom domain
v2.5 (for v2.0) PWA added Automatic Subdomain System Added Whatsapp Order Notification Added Some Minor Bug Fix
v2.0 Added Customer Separate Table Added Google Recaptcha Added Customer Plan Enrolled Information Edit for admin Optimized site performance speed Added DB Transaction modules for orders and plan enroll
v1.2.5 Inventory system updated for seller frontend theme update
v1.2.4 Minor issue fix for add cart
v1.2.3 Minor issue fix
v1.2.2 Minor issue fix
v1.2.1 Decimal pricing issue fix
v1.2.0 Free plan system added Multilevel user registration turn off/on added
v1.0.2 Paystack redirection fix for merchantend Order Session Fix
v1.0.1 Marketing tools action added for the main site Tutorial added for Linux server
v1.0.0 initial release